
 a spiritual community of radical love



We study the scripture from the earliest form of Christianity which emphasizes the radical love that exists within each one of us. We practice mercy together, for ourselves and each other. We practice the sacred, often messy effort of becoming more love. That’s our religion. We practice refusing to judge each other or ourselves by accepting all that we are – the depths of our humanity and the heights of our divinity. 

We practice the soul-voice meditation, which allows us to experience and witness the fullness of what it means to be human. We listen, inwardly, and ideally without judgement. We devote to go within together to hear the voice of the soul at least once a month. That’s our spiritual practice. The soul-voice meditation allows us to call back our power by experiencing the truth that we contain our own answers.  

We practice remembering together as a community that we are never alone.

And we remember for each other when we’ve forgotten, again, that we are beloved. We practice telling the truth about our lives. We hold sacred space for each of us to get real about our experiences. That’s our sacred scripture. We believe that healing is hearing the truth that exists within us, and loving ourselves enough to live in alignment with it.



I am a feminist theologian with a master of divinity from Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University and a master of theological studies from Harvard Divinity School. I am the author of The Wall Street Journal bestselling book, Mary Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel, & The Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet. I also recently created THE MARY MAGDALENE ORACLE so we can integrate the secret teachings of Mary’s gospel into a daily spiritual practice. And I am the immensely proud mom of an old soul named Shai, which means “gift” in Aramaic.



Red because love is the force that renders us all equal. Love is the truth of who we are and the purpose of why we are here. Love is the source of our true power to shift what’s possible within our lives and in the world. And the source of true love is found within.

Red because the body is the soul’s chance to be here.

The body is sacred. The body has wisdom the mind can’t even begin to fathom. The body is a part of (and not separate from) our experience of the divine. Loving the body, fiercely, is a holy revolution.

Red because we are ready for what the alchemists refer to as “the reddening.” This is the third stage in the alchemical process after we’ve owned the dark depths of where we are human, and after we’ve witnessed our own breathtaking light. It’s the spiritual path that unites the lowest lows and the highest heights. It’s the path of integrating the hot mess with the holy soul, the utterly vulnerable with the force within us that is pure strength.

And red because it’s the color associated with Mary Magdalene, and the legacy of the divine feminine. Red because it’s the color of the heart, and the heart is the holiest place on earth. The heart is the mystical space we can enter to meet with our every answer.



We remember together that we are all connected.

The red thread is our reminder of the sacred space we are a part of. It’s a visual of the vow we have made to become more love, for each other and ourselves. And it’s a symbol of the spiritual teachings that are innate to us, that course through our blood, that stream out through us when we dare to become a presence of love.



We’re currently on our summer break but will open the doors for the House of Mary Magdalene again in mid-September and begin our live gatherings in October. Join the waitlist here to be notified when registration opens.